Broseley’s Green Walk is part of a county-wide initiative to encourage the residents of our towns to enjoy their green spaces.
Description and map for Green walk
Start. From the Pritchard Memorial and Gerry Foxall statue, walk right and then left into Clenchacre lane. Turn right along Dark lane and right towards the Haycop.
1. Haycop Nature reserve, home to ……. Either follow the circular path in either around the reserve or use the information board to take your own route.
On leaving the Haycop turn right and then left along Birch Meadow road.
2. Walk down right hand side of the Birchmeadow, through a tree lined path, and at the far corner turn left into Bramblewood. Then right along Cockshutt Lane and left into Brandywell. Continue to a footpath sign on the left.
3. Follow the footpath which takes you past the top of Fishhouse Wood. Further along is an excellent view over the gorge, now walk on towards Balls Lane.
4. Before you reach Balls Lane notice the large Barnett Leasows mound on your right. This is an old pennystone iron mound and the area is now home to badgers …..
At the end turn left, keep walking past Maypole Green then turn right down Crews Park jitty.
5. The jitties are a maze of narrow passageways that link a jumble of former squatter’s cottages. At the end of the short Crews Park turn left and left again when reaching Quarry road. Continue straight on into Simpsons Lane until you reach the Ding Dong steps. Follow this jitty down to Bridge road, turn left and walk to a footpath on your left with steep steps down into Penns Meadow.
6. The footpath crosses Penns Meadow, but you can walk around it. This ancient meadow is home to orchids, yellow rattle and an array of wild flowers.
Leaving the meadow turn right and look out for Boss Well Bank jitty on the left. At the top turn right, walk to the junction with Queen Street. Turn left and next right to return to the start. Watch out for disappearing pavements!